Which type of Air flow sensor is PBT-GF40?
The housing of a MAF (mass air flow) sensor often has the letters “PBT-GF40” printed on it. Many customers mistakenly... more...
The housing of a MAF (mass air flow) sensor often has the letters “PBT-GF40” printed on it. Many customers mistakenly... more...
Air Flow Sensor Blog, Latests, Mercedes-Benz
The mass air flow meter or sensor, commonly known as MAF, is a vital component of any modern internal combustion... more...
Oft you can find the letter “PBT-GF30” on the housing of a MAF sensor. And it is easily to be... more...
Vintage BMW mass airflow sensors: you can’t drive without one, but Bosch stopped making them a while ago. What should... more...
We have been asked often by drivers, whose air flow sensor failed and who are wondering, if there are other... more...
AIR FLOW SENSOR OR AIR FLOW METER OR AIR MASS METER OR MAF? An air flow meter isn’t a thing... more...
MUCH CONFUSION ABOUT THE MAF FOR BMW DIESEL VEHICLES Since there seems to be a lot of confusion around the... more...
Save money, avoid unnecessary repairs with a complete car diagnosis Contrary to popular belief, diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) are not... more...