Which type of Air flow sensor is PBT-GF30?
Oft you can find the letter “PBT-GF30” on the housing of a MAF sensor. And it is easily to be mistaken for a part number.
Therefore many customers ask us for the air flow meter with the number “PBT GF 30” and a look at our website statistics confirms that many visitors come to our website with search terms like “pbt-gf30 lmm” or “air flow meter pbt gf30 bosch”.

This number, which is understandably often confused with the part number, refers only to the plastic (easy to pronounce) used – PolyButylene Terephthalate. GF30 denotes the 30% glass fibre content.
PBT-GF30 is a frequently used plastic for plastic housings and therefore the designation can be found on almost all air flow meter housings or air flow sensors from Bosch or VDO Siemens. It does not matter whether the MAF fits for Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Porsche or any other vehicle. If you wish to learn more about this plastic, you can find a data sheet here.
Which number on the MAF is the OE number?
- For Bosch air flow meters the part number usually looks like this:
0 280 21x xxx. e.g. 0 280 217 114.
However, there are exceptions like the air flow meter 0 928 400 529 for BMW Diesel. - The newer MAF models of Bosch start with 0 281 xxx like the example on the right side, which shows the Bosch number 0281006146.
- The number below the Bosch number shows the short version of the BMW number 8 509 724.
BMW original numbers usually start with 1362, e.g. 1362 8 509 724. - The Mercedes-Benz original numbers for MAF used to begin with “000 094”, e.g. 0000941048.
But for the newer models the Mercedes number starts with A2760 or A61109 or A65190 or A64590, there are even more variations. - Siemens/VDO/Continental air flow meters stick to the following pattern: 5WKxxxx , e.g. 5WK9613Z.